Posts Tagged ‘present moment living’

Friday’s Gift

// September 18th, 2009 // No Comments » // Meditation

First Friday, September 18, 2009

Present Moment Living, boy that’s a mouthful. So you take a moment and be joyful and full of understanding that everything in your life is exactly as it should be. The life you are experiencing is as you are thinking. Do you have enough of what you want? Or, are you experiencing a lack of something?  If you take this weekend and open yourself to expanded possibilities of abundance, express gratitude for the things you have … and have not …  you will find an opportunity to be at ease with yourself and reduce the level of stress that is challenging your well-being.

Remember, it’s almost always as you think it is. So, give yourself a break and be kind in your conversation to yourself.

Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist Monk, has a wonderful way of expressing gratitude for being alive.  His morning outlook: the attitude we choose upon awakening can set the tone for the whole day. As you awaken, before you leave your bed, take a moment and be grateful. Notice how this simple change of focus enhances your day.
