Friday’s Gift
// October 23rd, 2009 // Events
Foods For Energy
Sick and Tired of Feeling Sick and Tired??????
We are all familiar with the current recommendations of our government telling us about the latest in the food pyramids, but do we really understand the needs of our bodies for good health maintenance? Here are some suggestions to put into daily practice.
EAT. Start with breakfast. Skipping this meal leads to bad eating habits that sabotage the days of your life. If you are responsible for children, please start this life habit. Actually, eating several meals throughout the day is important to keep the fires of digestion stoked. Calculate the calories that you need to maintain s good weight and plan your meals by dividing the number of calories evenly for each meal. A 2000 calorie day, divided by 4 meals, equals 500 calories per meal.
Include great foods full of fiber; whole grains, pears, broccoli, bean burritos, etc. If you can get organic fruits and veggies, be sure to eat the whole thing, peels and all. Blueberries are great for brain function, memory skills and of course, intestinal mobility. Dark leaky greens are nutrient dense foods. Your muscles need carbs! The whole grain variety, not donuts. Sugar zaps energy, have healthy snacks available to handle temptations. Protein builds and repairs muscles, Eating a variety of meat and non meat choices is best.
And to be sure, getting the right amount of water for hydration of your cells, on a daily basis is mandatory. The formula is 1/2 your weight in ounces of water. Don’t forget high quality nutritional supplments.
Remember to allow a few hours for digestion before bedtime. The body is in restoration mode during normal sleeping hours, if it is dealing with food in the system, most of it goes into storage, ugh!